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Chantilly Auto Repair

Working Hours:Mon - Fri: 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Give us a call:(703) 591-5225


How Often Should You Change Spark Plugs?

How Often Should You Change Spark Plugs?

Owning a car is not always a walk in the park. Sometimes your car might act up when you don't even have an idea of what the issue is. For instance, most car owners don't know when they need to change their vehicle's spark plugs. When is it time to change your spark plugs? The basic answer to how frequently to replace spark plugs is within the factory suggested service interval. The actual suggested mileage for spark plug replacement can vary from one maker to the next, and differs among various varieties of spark plugs. Even so, the most typical of these maintenance periods for spark plugs are usually in the range of every 30,000 miles. Remember to consult your car's operating manual or a reputable automobile dealer online for precise replacement interval guidelines. When a mechanical problem with one or more plugs is found, spark plug replacement may be required. But how does one tell when such a problem has occurred? The actual replacement time will vary based on ... read more

5 Things to Check Before Heading Home for the Holidays

5 Things to Check Before Heading Home for the Holidays

Whether you are traveling from college to go back home for the holidays or hitting the road to visit your parents, grandparents, and/or in-laws, it is imperative that each and every one of you prep your car for holiday travels. Many motorists will be on the road, so you can expect your car to run for longer periods. The last thing you want to deal with over the holidays is a broken-down vehicle. That is why we encourage you to check the following areas of your vehicle to ensure it is roadworthy: Fluids - This includes your engine oil, coolant, windshield washer fluid, brake fluid, and more. Your vehicle has many, and it is important that they are clean, effective, and topped off.  Car Battery - Open your hood and see if there is any corrosion on your battery terminals. Next, you’ll want to check for signs of damage (swelling, loose connections, bad wiring). If that passes, you should be okay. However, we recommend getting a battery test to ensure it can provide reliable s ... read more

What is the Difference Between Shocks and Struts?

What is the Difference Between Shocks and Struts?

The next time you enjoy a smooth ride in your car, think of the excellent work the shocks and struts are doing. While you may not pay much attention to these two components in your vehicle, they make driving easy on rough surfaces, bumps, and potholes. Even when the roads appear smooth, which none actually is, the shocks and struts make it feel even. What are Shocks and Struts? They have similarities that help your vehicle's suspension system, handling, and ride but work differently. Their role is integral to your safety and comfort while driving. The key difference is in the design. But here is a breakdown of the differences between the two. Shocks They are also called shock absorbers and are hydraulic components of the suspension system. Shocks minimize the impact and rebound of your vehicle's spring movements by absorbing the jolts on damaged or uneven roads. There are three types, namely, Dual shock Mono-tube shock absorber Coil-over shocks Shocks ensure that tires r ... read more

What Kind of Car Maintenance Do I Need in the Fall?

What Kind of Car Maintenance Do I Need in the Fall?

Fall is finally here in Chantilly, VA, and before you know it, the leaves will fall and the chilly weather will come around. This time of year is not only the perfect time to sip on pumpkin spice lattes and go to football tailgates, but it is the perfect time to prep your car for the cooler weather. Here is how we can help you at Foreign Auto Services Inc. Tip #1 - Check Your Tires Tires are one of the most important components of your car, and it requires the most attention when it gets cooler. First off, remember to check the tread depth. Make sure that they aren’t bald or uneven in certain areas over others. Next, you’ll want to monitor and adjust your tire pressure. Tire pressure drops when the temperatures drop, so make sure you fill them up to the automaker’s recommended PSI range.  Tip #2 - Inspect the Battery Your battery connections should be free of corrosion or other harmful contaminants. Extreme temperatures can be harsh on your battery, draining ... read more

What Are the Signs of a Failing Catalytic Converter?

What Are the Signs of a Failing Catalytic Converter?

If your vehicle has an internal combustion engine, it can release harmful byproducts that can in turn contribute to air pollution. To minimize the waste, each gas-powered vehicle has a catalytic converter to convert these dangerous gasses into safer ones. If your catalytic converter suddenly stops working, you can definitely tell as soon as it does. If you aren’t sure, here are the signs of a faulty catalytic converter. Lit Check Engine Light A check engine light can mean many troubling things, including a faulty catalytic converter. That is why it is important to have professional diagnostic testing done to be sure. If your catalytic converter is at fault, it will send a particular trouble code. Failed Emission Test The catalytic converter plays a huge role in the emissions system, which is why a bad catalytic converter will result in a failure of the smog test. The test may reveal too many concentrated pollutants or excess carbon emissions. Rattling When the catalytic con ... read more

Our Address: 14512 Lee Rd. Ste C, D, E, Chantilly, VA 20151